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Equal Interval System

EIS® is a private course and, due to the extensive and in-depth content of the course it was obvious that for the success of the student, one-on-one was the best way to learn, as any grad will tell you. EIS® is a teacher/mentor program and is taught in individual lessons. These teachers are Spud graduates and are highly qualified and motivated to insure the integrity of the course.

  1. Equal Interval System Textbook

These teachers are all successful in their own musical careers, and hope to inspire and challenge every student as Spud did with them. Prospective students are required to have an interview with a senior teacher, to determine if EIS® is right for them. Should EIS® be right for them, there will be another interview with a different senior teacher so that we can pair that student with the teacher that would best suit them. The optimal way to study is one lesson a week, and the least is every other week. Steve jobs biography pdf free.

Prospective students should know in advance, that taking this course is a commitment to be successful. (Most lessons are on Skype.) Q: What does this course of study entail? The course is comprised of individual lessons.

A student mentioned [this](to me today, and I'd never heard of it before, but she said it was really cool. Notice right away the possible pitfalls of these methods. With a four-category quantile classification, there are an equal number of counties in each class, but note that Durst and Evans Counties, though they have identical attribute values, are placed in different classes.

The course is taught in exactly the same way it was taught by it’s creator Lyle (Spud) Murphy. Equal Interval System®: a set of organized intervals grouped together for classification or analysis. Q: What will the experience of studying the course be like? It is everything you need to know to write outstanding music, and will change your musical life forever.

Spud says it is a course of musical technique without teaching “style”, so it can be applied to any style. You don’t memorize it, you become familiar with it and refer to it when needed.

Equal Interval System

If you can learn how to handle 6 intervals, you can write anything in any style, always sounding new and fresh because it is based on the correct use of the overtone series. This course will help any serious student become a better musician and composer. Using the tools and methods Spud has made available, students develop their own ability to compose and musical understanding reaches a level that has brought them much joy and changed their lives. The EIS® Course is a musical study that is undertaken on a weekly basis. Only a methodical approach will unlock the musical treasures Spud now shares with us. Call EIS® graduates to get their viewpoint. Each graduate has a different story and a different result, but all are highly enthusiastic about what was gained through study with the EIS® course.


Q: If I study this course, how long will it take? In only six months you will be amazed at the scope and change of your own compositional abilities. (For example, while studying this course, Craig Sharmat was scoring episodes for a Television series AND He used the very first lesson’s homework for a music cue!) Your creative juices will flow, your music will always sound innovative and natural, and it won’t be just based on blind intuition. Instead, you will have grasped a technique you can rely on and develop over the rest of your life. Everyone who studies this course has the same tools, and experiences the same results, but we all write in our own unique style and manner. Q: Who is Lyle (Spud) Murphy? See Spud’s Bio on this web site for his story.

Change your music. Change your life. Q: Is the study of this course valuable? One will find through proper instruction, that each lesson can be worth the equivalent of a year of study. Spud developed this course over his entire lifetime, teaching and modifying it over 75 years. The graduate teachers preserve the integrity of that instruction and continue to provide it to students of the course. We ask that new students honor the integrity of the course by refraining from duplication of materials and file sharing with others. Atp emtp program download.

Equal Interval System Textbook

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