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Lady Stalker English Patch

Lady stalker english translation
  1. Stalker Multi Patch
  2. Stalker Loner Patch
  3. Lady Stalker English Patch

There isn't an English patch for the game as of yet. Perhaps this script will encourage a ROM hacker to give the patch a go. Perhaps this script will encourage a ROM hacker to give the patch a go. Lady Stalker - Kako kara no Chousen by タイトー / クライマックス / Taito / Climax released on 1995-04-01. SNES Patch List; English Translations. Lady Stalker the Apocalypse Engine Map Unit Chief Map Designer Shin'ya Nishigaki Map Designer.

Hello, and welcome to the AGTP Megathread! As I devote myself to particular projects, they'll get posted into this thread, and the thread title will be updated to show whatever is currently holding my interest. (Small bits and bobs might still get posted to the screenshots thread, though!) Currently, the game of the moment is 'Aretha Gaiden: Rejoice ~Another Aretha Kingdom~' which I'm simply labling 'Rejoice: An Aretha Fable' mostly because there's no way I'm fitting 'Another Aretha Kingdom' into the tiny little spritetext on the title screen without mangling it horribly. Thanks to everyone on the language board (and a huge thanks they are) the game now contains 100% English text, though a fair bit of the dialog is probably crashy at the moment. Most of it is unedited as well; I'd guesstimate by sheer line numbers that I've gone through about 2/9s of the script, fixing things up. Almost all of the technical issues have been resolved.

The currently unfixed technical/asm issues include. --The first time you load an item description, it *always* seems to load the very first description instead of the correct description. --If the cursor is on 'A' in the rename menu and you cancel out to the alphabet selection and go right back into the Roman letter set (which is currently the only letter set in the game), it will jump to F for some reason. Depending on free time and motivation, I could probably have the rest of the script edited in a week or so, and beta would begin immediately after. Here are some sample images. And a few youtube videos.

Stalker Multi Patch

Progress ~ The State of SRW,, Posted on June 25th, 2018 12:59 PM by Gideon ZhiWith the recent release of The Elemental Lords, it´s time to talk about AGTP´s remaining SRW projects. First on the docket is Super Robot Wars EX, which thanks to some recent tooling I´m proud to announce has taken some massive strides forward in the last few weeks and is very close to being technically complete. The script is in reasonably good shape, though I´m in the process of passing it off for a second look-over by SSJCyberSonic who´s fresh from his recent work on the A Portable project.

Stalker Loner Patch

Lady Stalker English Patch

Lady Stalker English Patch

I´ve added 22 new screenshots to the project´s page and am attaching two to this post. I´m hopeful that the game will be ready before the end of the year, but as usual I can´t promise anything. Additionally, EX´s new toolchain acts as a functional proof-of-concept for work that will be going into Hero Chronicle. The added benefit of having EX fully functional is that the work can be ported to the other SNES SRW games. SRW3, while impressive for its day, is not nearly up to standard and I´m intending to redo it with EX´s new font code. And yes, the various incorrect character names will be fixed and the script itself will receive a fresh edit as well.

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The project´s stuff, while usable, is all extremely old though and I´m basically going to have to redo the hacking from scratch. Shouldn´t be too difficult, but no timelines or promises on availability. So that´s the good news. The bad news is that the translated lines for SRW4 and SRW Alpha probably fall about 50% into the 'best guess' category; in addition to the poor writing quite a lot of the text was just flat-out translated incorrectly. Alpha has been undergoing a verification process with Jolly, the current editor, who´s been steadily churning away on its gigantic script for the last several years; he´s estimating that he´s about 2/3s of the way through the script. What he´s done does look really, really nice though, and I´m looking forward to seeing the final version of the text. For SRW4, we´re probably just going to toss the script and retranslate it from scratch.

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