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Lorex Client Remote Software 4.0

• Setting Up Remote Viewing on the L20WD800 Series Combo DVR/ Monitor System Network Setup English Version 090808.1 MODEL: L20WD800 Series Copyright © 2008 Lorex Technology Inc. • What do you need? • The LCD/DVR System.

  1. Remote Access Software
  2. Lorex Client Remote Software 4.0
  3. Free Pc Remote Software

Remote Access Software

• A PC with the installed with the Lorex Client 4.0 software (refer to the Software Guide for installation instructions) • A Router (not provided with the system) •. • Network Checklist The following checklist is provided to assist you in confirming that all steps have been successfully performed during Network Setup. Use this checklist in conjunction with the detailed steps outlined on the following pages, ticking off each option as you complete it. • Select the DDNS Server option, and use your information to complete the DDNS □ Configuration: □ • DDNS Server Name: Lorex (default) • Domain Name: Enter the name you set for the DDNS web configuration.

Download32 is source for lorex client remote view shareware. 4.0.14: Remote view by WEB BROWSER,Remote View Client and. Lorex Client Remote Agent Software. LOREX CLIENT Remote Software 4.0 Instruction Manual. Can be remotely controlled using your existing network and the Lorex Client 4.0 software or Internet.


• User ID: Enter your user ID •. • System - IP & MAC Address The IP & MAC Addresses are necessary for DDNS Setup (for remote access to the System). To Locate the System information, Press the ENTER button on the Front Panel or Info on the Remote Control while viewing the Cameras. • Network - Router Port Forwarding Network - Router Port Forwarding You will need to enable port forwarding on your Router to allow for external communications with your System for ports: • TCP/IP PORT 6100 • WEB PORT 80 Computers, Systems, and other devices inside your network can only communicate directly with each other within the internal network. • Web - Finding Your External IP Address You will need to have your External IP address to set up your DDNS account.

One of the fastest ways to find this information is to use a 3rd Party website such as settings. Solar design studio v. 6.0 free. • Network - Setting Up Your DDNS Account Lorex offers a free DDNS service for use with your System.

Lorex Client Remote Software 4.0

A DDNS account allows you to set up a web site address that points back to your Local Network. The following outlines how to set up your free DNS account. Click the Create New Account link at the bottom of the form to submit your request. Your Account information will be sent to you at the E-mail Address you used in Step 3.

You will need this information for remote access to your System. Remember to record YOUR information before clicking on the Create New Account link. • The URL for accessing your video is: When setting up the Lorex client software for remote access, use this URL in place of the IP Address. If you have decided to use the free Lorex Email Service (default option) for any system event notifications and alerts, you must register with and activate the DDNS option in the System's Set Up / Network. • Network - Setting Up Your DDNS Account Option #2: Log into the Lorex DDNS Website at and enter your Username and Password. Click the ACTION button located on the console to display a copy of the Configuration email.

• System - DDNS SETUP Once the DDNS settings have been configured online, the information must be entered on the System to allow for remote connection via the Lorex Client 4.0 Software (or through Internet Explorer): 1. Access the Main Menu Setup screens, and navigate to the SYSTEM option. • Lorex Client 4.0 Software - Connection Manager The Connection Manager contains the setup information to allow the user to remotely connect to the System. Adding a Group Lorex Client 4.0 Software - Connection Manager. • Lorex Client 4.0 Software - Connection Manager Adding a Site (Individual Unit Configuration) NOTE: When entering the information for the IP / DOMAIN NAME: • If you are connecting from within your network (i.e. The System and your PC are both inside your house), you only need to enter the IP address of the System into the software (i.e. • Lorex Client 4.0 Software - Remote Connection Lorex Client 4.0 Software - Remote Connection Once the site setup profile has been created, a connection can then be made to the System.

Free Pc Remote Software

• Network Troubleshooting Tree Network Troubleshooting Tree Use the following tree to assist you with troubleshooting your network setup. Step #1 - I have connected my System to my Router. When I press the ENTER button my IP is Similar to 192.168.###.### or anything other than This means that your system has leased an IP address from the Router. • Step #4 – My Network Setup is: One Router connected to the Modem Proceed to Port Forwarding for your Model of Router. We have walkthroughs for. If your model is not listed, please refer to your Router Manual or Support, or visit detailed walkthroughs. • Network Troubleshooting Tree Step #6 – I have entered the Settings on my System and pressed the “DDNS STATUS” button You have received a SUCCESS message Your system should be connected to the remote DDNS server now.